Spreading a fake disease across the world to raise awareness of a real cure.

Hover Finger is a disease identified by heightened feelings of fear, anxiety and paralysis of the clicking finger just at the moment of online purchase. Yes, the ailment is fake, but the insight is 100% true. People are hesitant to buy things online in fear of fraud or identity theft. And Visa wanted to raising awareness of their superior online security features to help consumers feel safe and confident shopping online.

We launched a digital campaign with a website, banners, social assets and influencers to spread Hover Finger across Australia, China, Indonesia, Malaysia, Vietnam and Singapore and declare Visa as the one and only cure.

  • This was one of Visa’s most successful digital campaigns in the ASEAN region.

    APPIES Finalist

    AMES Finalists

  • Danny Searle/ Executive Creative Director

    Kelly Roe / Creative Director / Copy

    Francois Claverie / Creative Director / Art

    Mark Wiggins / Art Director


Content at the Speed of Culture


Ziploc Tollbooth Surprise